What qualities are needed to be a model?

You need to have the drive to want to be a great model. Many times, talent would be in the industry and don’t get a shoot or work for a few weeks and then just give up. You need to have the right look and figure for the field of modelling you are entering. You should be a hard worker and be determined to be the best that you can be. You should always have a positive and professional attitude and approach to everyone.

Are there any restrictions for different categories of modelling?

Different types of modelling have different requirements. Some categories have a minimum height requirements and some a specific look is needed.

Do I need a portfolio before I sign up?

If a model is professional, you should already have a portfolio. If you are new, you would need to be trained up and groomed before your shoot. A portfolio and Z-Card is extremely important in the industry especially when you go to castings. These are things that clients get to see your look as well as your measurements.

Do I need good quality photos for my portfolio?

This is a definite. This will ensure your images stand a competitive advantage over other models who already have professional photos. You can not compare photos taken on a cell phone compared to a model who has had images taken by a professional. This will also give an indication of your professionalism.

Do I need an agency?

A model agency helps you to look for work and manages the bookings, invoicing and follows all requirements needed in order for you to be booked on a job. The agency is there to protect the model as well as negotiate correct rates and work on avoiding exploitation of talent. The agency guides you all the way and is always there when you need.

Can anyone be a model?

Not everyone can be a model.  There are certain looks that are generally desired, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it as a model. The looks and industry continuously change, and no one is guaranteed work. The end booking is decided on by the client who they want to book. You need to have a look at which field you want to be in and if you fit that criteria

Can I belong to more than one agency?

A person can not belong to more than one agency if the agencies are situated in the same country. This causes conflict between agents and confuses clients when trying to book talent. 

Why do models have to be tall and slender, or are shorter and plus size models allowed?

For practical reasons, that is the long-time standard in the modelling industry specifically for runway modelling. A tall, slender body is considered a better “hanger” for a designer’s clothes, both on the runway and in front of the camera. Clothing samples are cut to one standard size. As there are other fields to the modelling industry, an agency can accept shorter or plus size models depending on the categories they deal with. Some agencies also have divisions for petite and plus-size models for runway modelling, but the client demand is less for those categories. For stills and commercial models there are a variety of different looks and sizes that can be accepted. 

What other qualities are important?

Good skin. A great smile. Healthy hair. Most of all, models need an outgoing personality, positive attitude and a supportive family. No matter the size of the model from petite through to plus size models would still need to have a great body and be in proportion for their body type.

What is commercial modeling?

Commercial models come in all shapes, sizes and ages. Some commercial models are gorgeous woman/ handsome men, and beautiful children, and many successful commercial models look just like everyday people. The individual who has the greatest chance of being chosen to appear in an ad is the one who can believably look like the boy / girl next door. The best part about commercial modelling is that it is not necessary to have that “perfect” look in order to be successful.

Do I need modelling classes?

It is not compulsory but if a person does not know how to walk, talk, or pose properly it is important to get training. This is very important to ensure you are professional when you cast against other models and especially when clients are booking and investing money in talent to showcase their brand, they will book the best.

What do I need to do before going to visit a modelling agency?

It is essential that you research the agency thoroughly. For example, you need to see if the agency is legit. Do research and do not fall for the trap when an agency says to join them as they will make you lots of money and you will get lots of jobs. This is already a warning sign as no agency can guarantee work for a model.

How Can I Become A Model?

Have a look at what type of model you can be and which field you would like to get into. If you are a minor, you need to discuss your vision with your parents and only do what feels happy for you.

Do I need to provide my own clothes?

For certain shoots and castings, you would be wearing your own garments. If you get booked by a client for a shoot or a show, they would provide you with the garments.

Do I have to attend modelling school to exist as model?

If you have no prior experience as a model then this is a definite advantage to obtain the correct experience when it comes to being presented to clients. 

What is the requirement of being a model?

Dedication and presentation in general.

What is the right age for modelling?

In the area of profitable print work, there is no age limit for modelling, from a few months from birth to 60 or more years!

How much money can a model earn?

This varies from city to city as well as on client budgets.

Is modelling Full / Part Time?

Education is extremely important, and we do recommend that modelling is part time unless you make it as a top successful model. There are many times that you can go without work for a few months.

Is a modelling agency as identical as modelling school?

A model school is there to groom and train a model up for the industry. A model school may charge a fee towards training. A model agency is there purely to work with a model in sourcing work and booking jobs. An agency would take a commission from jobs booked and would never charge a model a fee to be promoted.

How much commission will an agency acquire?

Various agencies would have a different percentage but the standard of 20% is mostly allocated.

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